It is ironic that we live in a Creation where no two things exist that are exactly the same, yet we desire diversity, we crave differentiations and we pursue uniqueness in all aspects of life and society. On the other hand, we create artificial distinctions into which we place people, businesses, groups, organizations or systems. The Apostle James warns us of the dangers of making distinctions (James 2) based on perceived quality(ies).

The tendency to create distinctions is, unfortunately, part of human nature. Social media and the narcissism of current society create a culture of, “Look at me, I’m unique like… (someone else, some other group, or others in a box created by some behavior, possession or shopping pattern).” Where are there not distinctions, we create them and where there are differentiations, we curse them.  Why?  To create power is my belief, but I’ll approach that another day in another writing.

People want to be part of some other group of similar people (the “in crowd,” or some other commonality in thought, behavior or possession), then want to be unique and unlike anyone else. People forget that they became unique and unlike anyone else at birth. Sadly, from that moment on there are efforts by parents, family members, friends and eventually themselves, to make the newly born baby a unique person…who is like others.

To James’ points, woe to us who make judgements based on those differentiations, whether real or artificial. He calls on mercy over judgement. James 2: 8-9 “If you really fulfill the royal law stated in Scripture, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself,’ you are doing well.  But if you show favoritism, you sin and are convicted by the law as transgressors.”

Favoritism?  We live in a society of favoritism. Just in social media we express favoritism with reviews, groups, rankings and more. We express it with kudos and criticisms aimed at people we truly know and strangers we deem as “friends” or “contacts.” We pick winners and losers with comments and groupings.

I wonder if all the competing social and personal belief systems could be tamed and neutered if everyone understood and believed that in terms of uniqueness, we are each unlike anyone else thanks to God’s Creation, and in terms of being part of some special group(ing), we are all God’s children.  There is no better group that we can be part of. Any artificial distinctions beyond those only promote judgement, for which much mercy is needed between the children of God. James 2: 12-13:  “Speak and act as those who are going to be judged by the law that gives freedom. For judgment without mercy will be shown to anyone who has not been merciful. Mercy triumphs over judgment.”

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