What with conditions in the virus response world of today, this Easter brings extra-ordinary lessons for everyone, whether they are Christians or not. Listening to life is as important now, if not more so, when life leaves its familiarity of normalcy.

Much of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society team that I am now part of operates virtually and a common frustration for many is the sense of confinement, limitation and lack of community due to the variety of quarantine conditions they are experiencing around the country. The supervisor of our team encourages everyone to get outside when they can, take in fresh air, move around and take in the views. What would normally just be a walk to the corner is now thought of as therapeutic, mentally, emotionally and physically. The same walk but totally different perspectives of it.

My wife and I enjoy sitting on the front porch late in the day and watch the world go by. The same people who walked by previously and shared waves and friendly greetings, now walk by with waves and greetings, but there is a different look on their faces. There are new messages in the greetings. People are trying to come alive again. In their own way, they are resurrecting from their homes in search of life, living and spirit, if only on a walk on which they hope to encounter others on the road.

I can’t help but be reminded of the power and importance of resurrection this Easter weekend. The word “resurrection” has its roots in the Latin word resurgere which means to “rise again.” In conversations with team members, neighbors, family and friends, there is the oft-expressed need, desire and hunger to rise again. It is innate. We are called to it. We know there is life in that act, no matter how small or grand the “rising again” happens to be. Never stay down; rise again in each moment.

Happy, blessed Easter to you all.

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