I felt like I must have sounded like I was about seven years old and it was Christmas morning. I probably didn’t, I’m not and it isn’t Christmas, but the mental image helps you understand. Ah, understanding. So little of what people try to communicate to others is truly, fully understood with the depth and nuance as intended.

What I was sharing with great excitement the other day was, “THAT’S what I’m talking about!,” and “That’s what I’M talking about!” I was talking to my son as I drove home from a day at my little slice of heaven that I call Walden. I must have repeated those phrases a dozen times in the excitement of what had occurred earlier in the day. The parcel is rough and wooded, but the image of what it could be has been in my head since I purchased it ten years ago. I recently spent the day there doing a variety of outdoorsy chores while a guy with a mulching machine worked on a section of the property. The result of his work is exactly what I envisioned for a significant part of the property.  I’ll have to save my lunch money for a long time to get the overall look and feel that I want there, but what he did yesterday reveals a perfect example.  It reveals what I’ve been talking about for years. Dreams take time.

The bridge that carried my idea to the understanding of my son and wife was composed of photographs and videos. Walking “tours” and panoramas. Before and after images, revealing the beauty of yaupon turned to garden mulch, allowing oak, sassafras and pine trees to stand tall and free. The visuals helped them understand what I’ve been thinking all along, and it re-energized a dream that is sometimes slowed by aching muscles, broken machines and other tribulations of trying to do some things that I have had no business trying myself.

Understanding goes both ways; sometimes it is important for us to more fully understand what we’re trying to communicate before we take a shot at conveying thoughts, ideas, etc.  Consider what else can be used to help others understand; maybe it is photos, or stories, or parables, or anecdotes or metaphors or… Find ways to bring information and ideas to others using different channels.

I’m reminded of a Pictionary game that I was part of decades ago. The guy on the opposing team drew a picture and for the remaining time kept tapping the paper with a black marker as additional clues. He had one outline sketch and a black snowfall of dots that were supposed to somehow trigger his partner’s understanding of the word to be guessed.  It didn’t work.

Maybe it is best to assume that others won’t understand what we’re trying to convey instead of thinking, “Sure, they’ll be on the exact same page as me.”  Not likely. Work to improve understanding. The world will be better for it.

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